Heidi Selzler-Echola,
Heidi Selzler-Echola is a board-certified Women's and Gender Health Nurse Practitioner licensed in both North Dakota and Minnesota.
Heidi graduated from North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota, with a bachelor's degree in Nursing and Anthropology and a minor in Women's and Gender studies. She then attended the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, Ohio, obtaining degree as. Women's and Gender Health Nurse Practitioner.
​Heidi has spent most of her nursing career working in women's reproductive health but has also worked in family practice, long-term care, LBGTQ+ care, and in-patient psychiatric care. Her passions involve reproductive justice, public health, and addressing gaps in access to care.
When not working, Heidi enjoys anything outdoors, including hiking, bike riding, backpacking, and camping. She also enjoys reading, art, and spending time with family and friends.

Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy
Sexual Health
STI Testing and Treatments
Board Certified Women's and Gender Health Nurse Practitioner
HIV Prevention Certified Provider
Word Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH)
American Academy of HIV Medicine
Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health Association
American College of Gynecology
The Menopause Society
Heartland Healthcare Network