There is an App for everything, and our therapists find some of them useful for folks managing all sorts of life issues. Below is an app Tena recommends for folks struggling with sleep!
Free with some features limited, premium opens up the extras. ShutEye is a sleep app that offers a variety of features to help you sleep better. These features include:
·        Sleep Tracker: ShutEye is a sleep tracker that can help you monitor your sleep patterns.
·        Smart Alarm: ShutEye's Smart Alarm can help you wake up in the morning.
·        White Noise: ShutEye offers white noise to help block out disruptive sounds and help you fall asleep faster.
·        Sleep Aids: ShutEye offers a variety of sleep aids to help you fall asleep.
·        Dream Analysis: ShutEye can analyze your dreams
ShutEye also offers an extensive array of sleep sounds, relaxing music, and sleep stories to help you drift off to sleep