Safe Sex is Sexy!
STD Testing & Treatment
Know Your Status, Own Your Power
STDs are spread through oral, anal or vaginal sex and are extremely common. Most people who are sexually active will get an STD at some point of their life. Many STDs don't have symptoms for many months after exposure, so the only way to know for sure if you have an STD is get tested. Our staff are non-judgmental, sex positive and well versed on different STI infections. If you don't have any symptoms or known exposures, STD screening can be completed with our nurse. For individuals who have symptoms or have a known exposure, testing and treatment can be completed by making an appointment with one of our providers. Canopy also provides PrEP services (pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV).
Routine STI Testing Visit with a Nurse
Appointment for people of all genders and ages. Most appropriate for individuals who are NOT having any symptoms, and are wanting routine, peace-of-mind STI testing.
Nurse Visit Includes:
Hepatitis C
Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (urine sample, oral sample, rectal sample)​
Bag of Safe Sex Supplies (condoms, dental dams, lube, etc)
Additional STI Testing with a Provider:
Appointment with a medical provider for individuals who are having STI symptoms, have been told they have been exposed to an STI or who have complex questions regarding STIs and STI prevention.
Provider Visit Includes:
Physical Examination
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B
Mycoplasma Genitalium
​Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (urine sample, oral sample, rectal sample)
Bag of Safe Sex Supplies (condoms, dental dams, lube, etc)
We can test for most STIs with a urine sample or blood draw and get the results within 1-3 business days. HIV, Hep C and Syphilis screening is completed with a finger-poke, with results available within 20 minutes. If same-day results are positive, a lab draw may need to be completed to verify results. Same-day appointments are often available, and we will try to get in walk-ins if time is available.
Counseling and confidential (private) testing for STDs and HIV are provided by trained staff who are sensitive to your needs and concerns.
Some of our testing is completely free (HIV testing), and other testing is low cost (Chlamydia and Gonorrhea). Most STI screenings and treatments are covered by insurance. We do partner with many state programs to offer free or reduced cost STI testing. Call for more information.